Shield1 ligand
Shield1 stabilizes proteins tagged with a mutated FKBP12-derived destabilization domain (DD) used in ProteoTuner systems. It is used to protect DD-tagged proteins from proteasomal degradation, resulting in rapid accumulation of the protein. The amount of Shield1 can be varied to tune the amount of your stabilized protein of interest within the cell.
- Membrane-permeable small molecule
- Binds specifically to the FKBP12-derived DD degron used in ProteoTuner systems to stabilize protein levels
- No toxic effect on cells
- Can be used in cultured cells and in animal models
More Information
- Rapid stabilization of proteins containing the DD tag
- In vitro protein function studies
- In vivo protein function studies
Product citations
Banaszynski, L. A., Chen, L.-C., Maynard-Smith, L. A., Ooi, A. G. L. & Wandless, T. J. A rapid, reversible, and tunable method to regulate protein function in living cells using synthetic small molecules. Cell 126, 995–1004 (2006).
Additional product information
Please see the product's Certificate of Analysis for information about storage conditions, product components, and technical specifications. Please see the Kit Components List to determine kit components. Certificates of Analysis and Kit Components Lists are located under the Documents tab.
Control protein stability with Shield1
ProteoTuner systems allow quick, predictable regulation of protein presence or absence in mammalian cells by acting directly on the protein, using a small, cell-permeable synthetic compound. When Shield1 is added to the medium, any fusion protein containing a DD domain can accumulate to detectable levels within 15–20 minutes. Conversely, upon Shield1 removal, the half-time for the protein's degradation can be as short as 30 minutes. This post-translational regulation offers many benefits, from speed and convenience to precise tuning and reversible control.
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