DNA/RNA cleanup and extraction kits
DNA cleanup: two applications in one kit
The NucleoSpin Gel and PCR Clean-Up procedure is the easiest way to purify DNA fragments from agarose gels or PCR reactions. The kit includes one buffer for both applications, which contains a pH indicator that displays the correct pH for optimal kit performance. The purification procedure for samples from enzymatic reactions (e.g., PCR) allows fast and easy removal of enzymes, nucleotides, salts, and other impurities.
Learn more Other articlesMagnetic bead-based cleanup and size selection of NGS libraries
NucleoMag NGS Clean-up and Size Select employs scalable magnetic bead technology to enable effficient cleanup and tunable size selection of DNA fragments, including NGS libraries, for an array of downstream applications. NucleoMag beads are functionally interchangable with magnetic bead-based solutions from other providers (e.g., AMPure XP), such that they can be incorporated into existing workflows without the need for protocol adjustment.
Learn more Buy nowRNA cleanup for Trizol and phenol-chloroform preps
Kits for the cleanup of total RNA from RNA preparations that require the removal of inhibitors prior to RT-PCR.
Learn more All RNA cleanup kitsTakara Bio USA, Inc.
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