Other organisms and samples
Follow the links below for articles and data using kits for genomic DNA isolation from food samples, insect samples, or microbial samples, including gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria and yeast. Order information and kit documentation can be found on the other organisms and samples DNA purification product pages.
NucleoMag DNA Food
Rapid manual and automated small-scale preparation of DNA from food or feed samples using magnetic beads.
NucleoMag DNA Insect
Comparison of the yield and purity of insect DNA purified using NucleoSpin DNA Insect versus kits from competitors.
NucleoMag DNA Bacteria
Scalable, magnetic-bead-based technology to enable high-throughput isolation of genomic DNA from a wide variety of microbial cultures.
NucleoSpin Microbial DNA
Efficient DNA isolation from hard-to-lyse microorganisms, including yeast, fungi, and bacteria.
Takara Bio USA, Inc.
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