The Apollo Library Prep System is a compact benchtop system with no additional accessories required, making it easy to integrate into a clinical laboratory. Using the Apollo system is easy: clear, complete setup instructions are provided at each step of the workflow, and users can simply walk away from the instrument after starting the protocol. The Apollo instrument has two Peltier blocks that are ideal for long incubations and overnight reactions, and it also offers unique in-tip magnetic bead separation for bead-purification steps (Figure 1). This in-tip separation removes the need for spinning down, eliminating the risk of bead compaction or disruption and resulting in higher sample recovery. Combined, these features provide precision automation in an enclosed environment, enabling increased sample yield along with decreased variability and human error. You can learn more on how the Apollo system increases recovery by viewing our application note, which contains a video of in-tip bead separation in action.

Figure 1. In-tip bead separation on the Apollo Library Prep System. After the suspended bead solution is pulled up into the tip (Panel A) a retractable magnetic bar comes down to capture the beads (Panel B). The solution is automatically pipetted up and down to collect all of the beads for downstream processing.