Bulk resins and gravity columns
We offer a variety of His-tagged protein purification resins: The high capacity of His60 Ni Resin makes it an excellent choice for purifying large amounts of high-quality protein, while the Co2+ core of TALON resin allows it to deliver proteins of the highest purity. These resins are available in multiple formats including bulk resin, spin columns, and prepacked gravity columns.
- Multiple formats
- High performance
- Advanced chemistry
Purification tips and tricks
How to choose the right his-tagged purification resin
Learn how to decide between nickel- and cobalt-based IMAC resins for your his-tagged purification.
When your his-tagged constructs don’t bind—troubleshooting your protein purification woes
This blog post covers reasons his-tag fusions might not bind to resin and how to tackle these issues.
Why choose TALON resin?
Obtain highest purity with cobalt resin
Prepare exceptionally pure his-tagged proteins from bacterial, mammalian, yeast, and baculovirus-infected cells.
His60: high-capacity Ni-IDA resins
His60 nickel resin beats Ni-NTA resin for his-tag purification
Discover how to improve protein purity from Ni resin purification
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