Advantage HF 2 PCR Kit
The Advantage HF 2 PCR Kit is a high-performance PCR system optimized for error-free amplification of genomic and cDNA targets up to 3.5 kb. The kit contains the hot-start Advantage 2 polymerase blend of Titanium Taq DNA Polymerase and a small amount of proofreading enzyme. This blend provides high sensitivity when amplifying a wide range of DNA targets. The kit combines this enzyme blend with a proprietary mix of dNTPs and a specially formulated buffer that work together to achieve 30-fold higher fidelity than that seen with wild-type Taq DNA polymerase.
- Provides virtually error-free amplification—nearly 30-fold higher fidelity than wild-type Taq
- Produces exceptionally high yields without sacrificing fidelity
- Pre-optimized kit components eliminate the need to optimize reaction conditions
- Generates PCR products (up to 5 kb) that can be cloned into any TA-based vector
More Information
- Cloning/TA-cloning
- Mutation analysis
- Long and accurate PCR
- High-fidelity PCR amplification
Additional product information
Please see the product's Certificate of Analysis for information about storage conditions, product components, and technical specifications. Please see the Kit Components List to determine kit components. Certificates of Analysis and Kit Components Lists are located under the Documents tab.
Find answers to your PCR questions
Primer design
Frequently asked questions about primer design for successful PCR.
Frequently asked questions about PCR optimization.
Frequently asked questions about troubleshooting your PCR problems.
Applications and conditions
Frequently asked questions about general and specific applications for PCR and which polymerases to choose.
Shipping, storage, and handling
Frequently asked questions about shipping, storing, and handling of Takara Bio PCR polymerases.
Avoid DNA contamination in PCR
There are many ways a PCR experiment can go wrong. Use this guide to prevent common PCR problems.
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