Full-length mRNA
NOTE: We are updating the names and formats of several of our NGS RNA-seq kits. Details of the changes are provided on the relevant product pages for these kits. See a complete list of kits with new names and the existing kits they will replace here.
Most mRNA-seq approaches are end-focused and limited to sequencing only the 3′ or 5′ ends of the transcript. These techniques are limited to only gene-level quantification and provide limited information on isoforms, splice junctions, gene fusions, SNV/SNPs etc. Full-length mRNA-seq approaches capture the entire sequence of the mRNA transcript, providing more comprehensive transcriptome coverage for understanding gene expression patterns, alternative splicing events, gene regulation and function.
SMART-Seq mRNA LP (with UMIs)
The SMART-Seq mRNA LP (with UMIs) kit is optimized to generate high-quality, full-length cDNA directly from ultra-low inputs
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