NOTE: SMART-Seq mRNA Single Cell LP and SMART-Seq mRNA Single Cell are equivalent replacements for the SMART-Seq Single Cell PLUS and SMART-Seq Single Cell with minor updates (see a complete list of kits with new names and the existing kits they will replace here).
The updates (listed below) do not in any way impact the protocols or functional performance of these kits.
- New kit sizes match those of Unique Dual Index kits (24 rxns, 96 rxns, 384 rxns)
- For added flexibility indexes are not included in the library prep (LP) kit; a choice of indexing primers are sold separately (see Unique Dual Index kits)
The SMART-Seq mRNA Single Cell Kit (SSmRNA Single Cell) and the SMART-Seq mRNA Single Cell LP Kit (SSmRNA Single Cell LP) are powered by robust chemistry that provides unparalleled sensitivity and reproducibility for single-cell and nuclei applications. These kits use oligo(dT) priming to generate high-quality, full-length cDNA directly from single cells known to have low RNA content (e.g., PBMCs, T cells, B cells, etc.). Using the SSmRNA Single Cell LP kit with Unique Dual Index kits (sold separately), up to 384 multiplexed Illumina-ready sequencing libraries can be generated. The kit offers an end-to-end solution from sample to cDNA synthesis, library preparation, and data analysis with our free Cogent NGS bioinformatics pipeline.
The SMART (Switching Mechanism at 5′ End of RNA Template) technology powering SSmRNA Single Cell provides full-length transcript information, enabling analysis of transcript isoforms, gene fusions, point mutations, etc. The cDNA kit provides high reproducibility, even gene-body coverage, and an accurate representation of GC-rich transcripts. We have further modified this powerful core technology to create a new chemistry with higher sensitivity designed specifically for single-cell applications. These enhancements result in more useful reads and a higher gene detection, allowing for a better understanding of precious samples.
The SSmRNA Single Cell LP Kit includes our patented library preparation kit that incorporates enzymatic fragmentation and stem-loop adapters to construct high-quality, Illumina-compatible libraries from the cDNA synthesized with the core kit. This two-step workflow takes place in a single tube and can be completed in about two hours with no intermediate purification steps necessary—minimizing sample mix-up, sample loss, and cross-contamination. The high library yield generated from this kit provides the flexibility to sequence on high-throughput sequencers while providing high reproducibility.
If you are interested in these benefits but are working with intact, high-quality cells (<1,000) or ultra-low total RNA inputs, we recommend our SMART-Seq mRNA LP Kit or our SMART-Seq mRNA LP (with UMIs) Kit.
If you prefer a random priming approach that will allow you to work with degraded samples and includes library preparation and indexing reagents, we recommend our SMART-Seq Stranded Kit.