MN Bead Tube Holder |
Each |
USD $44.00
Blue rubber foam adapter for processing MN bead tubes with a vortex apparatus (e.g., Vortex Genie 2). MN bead tubes are 2-ml screw cap plastic tubes containing different types of beads (glass, ceramic, steel, or corundum). They are designed for the homogenization of hard-to-lyse biological samples (e.g., soil, stool, insect, and some microbial samples) prior to purification of nucleic acids.
NucleoSpin® Microbial DNA |
50 Preps |
USD $243.00
Miniprep kit (50 preps) designed for rapid purification of highly pure genomic DNA from microorganisms (gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, yeast, and fungi). The NucleoSpin Microbial DNA kit utilizes MN Bead Tubes Type B (glass beads; included in the kit) in combination with Liquid Proteinase K and a common disruption device, e.g., a swing mill, to lyse different starting materials using a single procedure. The procedure is fast, simple, and provides reliably high DNA yields from a wide range of microbial samples. MN Bead Tubes Type B can also be ordered separately.
NucleoSpin® Microbial DNA |
10 Preps |
USD $58.00
Mini prep kit (10 preps) designed for rapid purification of highly pure genomic DNA from microorganisms (gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, yeast, and fungi). The NucleoSpin Microbial DNA kit utilizes MN Bead Tubes Type B (glass beads; included in the kit) in combination with Liquid Proteinase K, and a common disruption device e.g., swing mill, in order to lyse different sample materials with one procedure. The procedure is fast, simple and reliably high DNA yields from a wide range of microbial samples can be obtained. MN Bead Tubes Type B can also be ordered separately.