MN 96 Bead Plate Type D

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Cat. # Product Size Price License Quantity Details
740470.50 NucleoSpin® DNA Insect 50 Preps USD $247.00

Mini prep kit (50 preps) for the purification of genomic DNA from fresh, frozen, dried or ethanol preserved insect or crustacean samples. The isolated DNA is used for genotyping, sequencing or any other common application. The NucleoSpin DNA Insect kit utilizes MN Bead Tubes Type D (steel beads; included in kit) in combination with a common disruption device, e.g., MN Bead Tube Holder, or a swing mill in order to lyse different cell types and tissues within a single procedure.

740471.50 NucleoSpin® DNA Lipid Tissue 50 Preps USD $223.00

Mini prep kit (50 preps) designed for the rapid purification of highly pure genomic DNA from any type of tissue with a high lipid content. The NucleoSpin DNA Lipid Tissue kit utilizes MN Bead Tubes Type D (steel beads; included in kit) in combination with a common disruption device, e.g., the MN Bead Tube Holder or a swing mill, to lyse different cell types and tissues within a single procedure.