NucleoSpin® 96 Soil |
2 x 96 Preps |
USD $805.00
The NucleoSpin 96 Soil kit is designed for the isolation of high molecular weight genomic DNA from microorganisms such as Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, archaea, fungi, and algae in soil, sludge, and sediment samples. The kit is also suitable for stool samples. It provides two special lysis buffers, Buffer SL1 and Buffer SL2 , which can be combined with the chemical additive Enhancer SX to guarantee the highest possible yields with excellent purity for all types of sample material. Efficient mechanical lysis of the sample material is achieved by bead beating using MN Bead Tubes Type A (Cat. # 740786.50).
NucleoSpin® 96 Soil |
4 x 96 Preps |
USD $1385.00
The NucleoSpin 96 Soil kit is designed for the isolation of high molecular weight genomic DNA from microorganisms such as Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, archaea, fungi, and algae in soil, sludge, and sediment samples. It is also suitable for stool samples. The kit provides two special lysis buffers, Buffer SL1 and Buffer SL2, which can be combined with the chemical additive Enhancer SX to guarantee the highest possible yields with excellent purity for various sample materials. Efficient mechanical lysis of the sample material is achieved by bead beating using MN Bead Tubes Type A (Cat. # 740786.50).
NucleoSpin® 96 DNA Stool |
1 x 96 Preps |
USD $451.00
The NucleoSpin 96 DNA Stool kit provides a comprehensive solution for high-throughput DNA isolation from fresh or frozen stool samples in a 96-well format using silica membrane technology. The kit is designed for processing of 100–200 mg of sample material per prep and employs an optimized lysis chemistry in combination with mechanical disruption (MN Bead Tubes Type A) to enable efficient sample homogenization without enzymatic digestion. Sample processing can be performed manually under vacuum or automated on common liquid handling platforms. The kit enables processing of 96 samples in ~90 minutes using automated processing and typically yields 3–15 µg of DNA per prep. Purified DNA is ready for a variety of downstream applications, including analysis by qPCR or NGS. Cat. # 740473.1 includes sufficient quantities of reagents and materials for processing of 96 samples.
NucleoSpin® 96 DNA Stool |
4 x 96 Preps |
USD $1575.00
The NucleoSpin 96 DNA Stool kit provides a comprehensive solution for high-throughput DNA isolation from fresh or frozen stool samples in a 96-well format using silica membrane technology. The kit is designed for processing of 100–200 mg of sample material per prep and employs an optimized lysis chemistry in combination with mechanical disruption (MN Bead Tubes Type A) to enable efficient sample homogenization without enzymatic digestion. Sample processing can be performed manually under vacuum or automated on common liquid handling platforms. The kit enables processing of 96 samples in ~90 minutes using automated processing and typically yields 3–15 µg of DNA per prep. Purified DNA is ready for a variety of downstream applications, including analysis by qPCR or NGS. Cat. # 740473.4 includes sufficient quantities of reagents and materials for processing of 4 x 96 samples.
NucleoSpin® 96 DNA Stool Core Kit |
4 x 96 Preps |
USD $1360.00
The NucleoSpin 96 DNA Stool kit provides a comprehensive solution for high-throughput DNA isolation from fresh or frozen stool samples in a 96-well format using silica membrane technology. The kit is designed for processing of 100–200 mg of sample material per prep and employs an optimized lysis chemistry in combination with mechanical disruption (MN Bead Tubes Type A) to enable efficient sample homogenization without enzymatic digestion. Sample processing can be performed manually under vacuum or automated on common liquid handling platforms. The kit enables processing of 96 samples in ~90 minutes using automated processing and typically yields 3–15 µg of DNA per prep. Purified DNA is ready for a variety of downstream applications, including analysis by qPCR or NGS. Cat. # 740457.4 includes sufficient quantities of reagents and materials for processing of 4 x 96 samples using automated liquid-handling platforms.
NucleoMag® DNA Microbiome |
1 x 96 Preps |
USD $396.00
NucleoMag DNA Microbiome is designed for high-throughput DNA purification from stool, soil, and biofilm samples. DNA isolation is achieved via reversible adsorption of nucleic acids to paramagnetic beads under suitable buffer conditions, and the kit workflow can be performed using either manual or automated processing. The kit features a proprietary inhibitor removal technology that allows for purified DNA to be used in downstream PCR-based applications without the need for further optimization or processing steps. A mechanical disruption step using MN bead tubes or bead plates can be incorporated into the kit workflow to enable efficient DNA recovery from hard-to-lyse samples. Cat. # 744330.1 includes sufficient quantities of reagents and materials for processing 96 samples at the volumes indicated in the kit protocol.
NucleoMag® DNA Microbiome |
4 x 96 Preps |
USD $1405.00
NucleoMag DNA Microbiome is designed for high-throughput DNA purification from stool, soil, and biofilm samples. DNA isolation is achieved via reversible adsorption of nucleic acids to paramagnetic beads under suitable buffer conditions, and the kit workflow can be performed using either manual or automated processing. The kit features a proprietary inhibitor removal technology that allows for purified DNA to be used in downstream PCR-based applications without the need for further optimization or processing steps. A mechanical disruption step using MN bead tubes or bead plates can be incorporated into the kit workflow to enable efficient DNA recovery from hard-to-lyse samples. Cat. # 744330.4 includes sufficient quantities of reagents and materials for processing 384 samples at the volumes indicated in the kit protocol.