◊RetroNectin® GMP grade

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Cat. # Product Size Price License Quantity Details
T100B RetroNectin® Recombinant Human Fibronectin Fragment 2.5 mg USD $893.00

RetroNectin reagent is a 63-kD fragment of recombinant human fibronectin fragment (also referred to as rFN-CH-296) that enhances the efficiency of lentiviral- and retroviral-mediated gene transduction. This is particularly important for hematopoietic cells and other hard-to-transfect cell types. When coated on the surface of containers such as culture dishes, petri dishes, flasks or bags, RetroNectin significantly enhances virus-mediated gene transduction into mammalian cells. This enhanced transduction is thought to result from the colocalization of virus particles and target cells on the molecules of RetroNectin. Viral particles bind RetroNectin via interaction with heparin-binding domain II, and target cells bind mainly through the interaction of the cell surface integrin receptor VLA-4 with the fibronectin CS1 site.

MK140 RetroNectin® EIA Kit 96 Assays USD $878.00

This kit is a sandwich ELISA using as the capture antibody a plate-coated RetroNectin-specific monoclonal antibody that does not cross-react with human fibronectin. It is not subject to inhibition even in the presence of human blood components, allowing easy monitoring of the level of RetroNectin. This kit allows highly sensitive quantitative determination of release from RetroNectin-coated plates and residual RetroNectin levels in both cryopreservation solutions of cells cultured in a RetroNectin-added medium and cell washings.

T210 ◊Anti-CD3 mAb GMP grade 1 mg/1 mL USD $2192.00

T210, Anti-CD3 mAB GMP grade, is manufactured and tested in accordance with the following guidelines, "Standards for Manufacturing Control and Quality Control, etc. of Investigational Products (Investigational products GMP)" notified by the Ministry of Health and Welfare Japan ("PFSB Notification No. 0709002, July 9, 2008)" (PFSB: Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau).

Anti-CD3 antibodies are commonly used in T lymphocyte proliferation protocols. Among many available clones, "OKT3" (mouse IgG2a) is the most commonly used. This monoclonal anti-CD3 antibody (clone OKT3) is manufactured as a quality-assured product, according to relevant guidelines for Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). This product can be used for ex vivo cell culture processing in preclinical research and investigational phase studies.