pBI-CMV4 Vector

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Cat. # Product Size Price License Quantity Details
632496 Living Colors® DsRed Polyclonal Antibody 100 uL USD $506.00

The Living Colors DsRed Polyclonal Antibody has been raised against DsRed-Express, a variant of Discosoma sp. red fluorescent protein. This antibody recognizes DsRed-Express, DsRed-Express2, DsRed-Monomer, mCherry, DsRed2, E2-Crimson, tdTomato, mStrawberry, and mBanana, and both N- and C-terminal fusion proteins containing these fluorescent proteins in mammalian cell lysates.

631317 Xfect™ Transfection Reagent 100 Rxns USD $310.00

Xfect is a transfection reagent that creates biodegradable nanoparticles that permit superior transfection efficiency of plasmid DNA into mammalian cells. Transfections can be carried out entirely in the presence of serum.

740490.250 NucleoSpin® Plasmid Transfection-grade 250 Preps USD $440.00

NucleoSpin Plasmid Transfection-grade is a fast miniprep kit that uses a new technology developed by Macherey-Nagel to reduce the level of endotoxins co-purified during plasmid preparations from bacterial lysates. Since endotoxins interfere with eukaryotic cell survival, endotoxin reduction is essential prior to cell transfection.